What are your hours of operation?
BooBoo Bear Daycare is open Monday - Friday, from 8:00am - 5:00pm, with extended hours available.
How many days can my child attend? Is there a minimum or maximum number of days per week my child can attend?
We are only offering full 5 days option as of now, with a choice of 5 - 8 hours a day.
Can I take a tour of the child care center during hours of operation?
We recommend calling to book an appointment so we can plan to schedule a time to spend with you and your family and have no other appointments booked.
Is the center open during inclement weather?
BooBoo Bear Daycare will follow the same schedule as the Department of Education. Unless we receive a state mandate or unforeseen circumstances that compromise the safety of our children, staff, and families. Parents will be alerted to any closures through the Brightwheel app.
Are meals included in tuition?
We currently do not offer lunch. Parents are encouraged to pack lunch/snack but please refrain from packing anything peanut-related. We provide healthy snacks such as various fruits and crackers. We can also offer your child cereal for breakfast, please let our staff know at drop-off if preferred. By eating meals with friends and teachers, mealtimes provide enriched social experiences. We often find that children are willing to try new foods while seated with their peers as well.
How often is staff training provided?
All staff members are required to complete professional development. Training is offered on important topics such as CPR and First Aid, mandated reporter, child abuse and neglect, communication, learning through play, helping children with special needs, and more. Our staff will have two training days during a school year, days will vary by year and our center will be closed on those days.
Are the teaching staff licensed?
All our lead teachers hold a B.A, is NYS licensed, or on track to be licensed, and have vast experience in childcare. All staff will undergo a comprehensive background check prior to their first day with us.
What is the nap and rest time policy for children at the center?
Rest time allows children to rest, sleep, and/or relax their bodies. We provide private cots that only belong to your child. Please send personal thin blankets and sheets with your child if preferred. While a child is resting on his/her personal cot he/she can read books and listen to relaxing music. Children are encouraged to use quiet voices so they and their peers can rest.
How will I be informed about my child’s day at BooBoo Bear Daycare?
Communication is very important at our center. Our teachers will communicate with each parent on the Brightwheel app. Classroom logs are kept daily for each child. In addition, we offer daily reports and pictures through Brightwheel. The Brightwheel app allows our teachers to capture special moments, take photos and videos of your child in action, in addition to essential classroom information and updates.
How do I enroll my child?
Please contact us at info@bbbdaycare.com or call us at (347)587-7015.
How are payments made/due?
Payments are due on the 1st of every month or the first Monday of every week, depending on your agreed payment plans. We accept cash, check, Zelle or direct ACH debits, and credit cards through Brightwheel.
What should I do next if there is no space available for my child?
To keep staff-to-child ratios low, we have a limited number of spots in each classroom. To put your child’s name on the waiting list, please contact us and provide us with your child’s enrollment packet.
What items should I pack for my child?
During enrollment, the Director will email you a list of items to bring and leave at the center. Please be sure to put all supplies in a clear plastic bag, and label it with your child's name.
What happens if my child becomes ill at the center?
If your child becomes ill with any of the following – fever, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, allergies and/or severe coughing, we will contact parents or emergency contact(s) immediately and will allow 1 hour to pick up the child from our center.
Will a staff member administer medication if my child requires it?
Unfortunately, we cannot and will not administer any medication, over the counter or prescription. We will only administer first aid as needed, along with topical antibacterial ointment.