A staff member will perform a daily health check of each child prior to entering the building. This includes but is not limited to a temperature check, symptom check, and completing a Family/Caregiver Covid-19 Exposure questionnaire.

All BooBoo Bear's staff will wear full face visibility masks that blocks aerosols, fluids and sprays from faces and meets American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) level 3 standards. Masks will be required for all staff during the school day.

No visitors will be allowed into the building. A staff member will meet families at the door during arrival/departure.

Each teacher will be assigned one group of children. There will no longer be “floaters” or teachers who interact in multiple classes, unless there is emergency cases (i.e. teacher absence)

All staff are to be tested prior to the start of school. We will follow the NYCDOH ongoing testing requirements and vaccine mandates. Daily health checks will be performed on all staff. All staff will be trained on all COVID-19 procedures, symptoms, and preventative precautions.

CDC approved disinfecting/sanitizing products will be used on all surfaces throughout the day. Our professional cleaning service will continue to clean and disinfect all areas of the school daily.

Whenever possible, we will use the outdoor play area in our backyard and maximize airflow throughout their facilities.

If there is a case of COVID-19 reported in a classroom, all close contacts, (adults and children in that static group) will be identified/contacted. The classroom will be professionally disinfected and closed for 24/48 hours. All close contacts must stay home for 14 days from the last contact with the diagnosed individual. *Maintaining static groups of children avoids creating more close contacts. Other classes will operate as usual.

Any child or staff member who is sick or demonstrates even mild symptoms will not be allowed into the building. All members of a household, including a caregiver, MUST quarantine for the mandated 14 days if any one family member/caregiver tests positive for Covid-19.

All children and staff will be required to wash hands upon entering and exiting the school, after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, prior to eating and/or in general, when needed.